Mission Statement

The mission of the Goldsboro Parks and Recreation Department is to provide a variety of recreation and leisure activities for a diverse population. We maintain a system of parks, indoor facilities and open spaces for the enjoyment, safety and well being of all citizens.


We Make Play Happen!

Goldsboro Parks & Recreation does not believe in denying a child the opportunity to experience programs because of inability to pay.

Check with our main office for information on possible assistance with program payments.

W.A. Foster Center


T.C. Coley Community Center


Bryan Multi-Sports Complex


Goldsboro Golf Course


Goldsboro Event Center



Felicia Brown
Felicia Brown919.739.7482
Russell Stephens
Russell Stephens919.739.7488
Assistant Director
D'Leeshia Lee
D'Leeshia Lee919.739.7486
Recreation Superintendent
Stephanie Harrell
Stephanie Harrell919.739.7489
Adaptive & Inclusive Recreation Program Supervisor
Jordan Walker
Jordan Walker919.739.7449
Marketing & Special Events Supervisor
Marketing & Special Events Assistant
Betty Brown
Betty Brown919.739.7483
Executive Assistant

Parks Maintenance

Jeff Mozingo
Jeff Mozingo919.739.7490
Parks Superintendent
Steven Blizzard
Steven Blizzard919.739.7498
Parks Maintenance Crew Supervisor
Matt Mozingo
Matt Mozingo919.739.7487
Interim Parks Maintenance Crew Supervisor
Jeff Snead
Jeff Snead919.739.6574
Custodian Crew Supervisor
Lori Palush
Lori Palush
Senior Park Technician
Tommy Fields
Tommy Fields
Senior Park Technician
Cliff Braswell
Cliff Braswell
Park Technician
Jesus Padilla
Jesus Padilla
Park Technician
Cody Wolske
Cody Wolske
Park Technician

T.C. Coley Community Center Staff

Shani Booker
Shani Booker919.739.7492
Recreation Center Leader

Goldsboro Golf Course & Event Center Staff

Obie Agbasi
Obie Agbasi919.739.7485
Golf Director
Logan Hayes
Logan Hayes919.735.0411
Golf Superintendent
Blake Gipson
Blake Gipson919.735.0411
Assistant Golf Professional
Josh Shockley
Josh Shockley919.735.4075
Event Center Manager
Faith Shader
Faith Shader919.735.4075
Patron Services & Operational Assistant

W.A. Foster Center

Gladys McClary
Gladys McClary919.734.4164
Recreation Center Leader
Senior Recreation Center Assistant
Tyler Daniels
Tyler Daniels919.734.4164
Recreation Center Assistant

Bryan Multi-Sports Complex Staff

Tyler Ham
Tyler Ham919.988.6600
Athletics Supervisor
Justin Lee
Justin Lee919.988.6600
Complex Manager
Teisha Rich
Teisha Rich919.739.7491
Recreation Coordinator (Athletics)
Joe Martikke
Joe Martikke
Superintendent of Sports Turf
Bobby Walston
Bobby Walston
Assistant Superintendent of Sports Turf
Preston (Del) Savage
Preston (Del) Savage
Golf & Sports Turf Mechanic
Timothy Teel
Timothy Teel
Heavy Equipment Operator
Josh Hollifield
Josh Hollifield
Senior Park Technician (Spray)
Jackson Garmane
Jackson Garmane
Park Technician (Turf)
Dylan March
Dylan March
Park Technician (Turf)
Patrick Robbins
Patrick Robbins
Park Technician (Turf)

Janitorial Staff

Mary Moore
Mary Moore
Bennie Moore
Bennie Moore
David DeVaughn
David DeVaughn
Mattnet Bass
Mattnet Bass
Debbie Rouse
Debbie Rouse
Tony Sauls
Tony Sauls
Judy Joyner
Judy Joyner
Milos Filar
Milos Filar